Queridos/as amigos/as del FEAE de Canarias: Os adjunto información de la revista digital que están preparando los compañeros del EFEA. El primer número saldrá en otoño del 2011 y en segundo en la primavera del 2012. Hay dos documentos en los que se explican las características de la participación en la revista. El proyecto de substitución de los “butlletins” por la revista digital está en marcha. Os mandaremos más información sobre esta iniciativa en cuanto nos la vayan enviando.

Un abrazo, Rita Mesa Presidenta del FEAE de Canarias


Dear Journal eiditorial board members. [copy to the EC and SC for information only]   Dr John Heywood and I are gently making progress towards our first 2 editions of our new academic journal. I enclose 2 documents for your information.   Edition 1 will be overseen by John and we plan to produce this in the Autumn os 2011. John has enclosed a time scale and some details.   Edition 2 will be overseen and edited by me and will be published in the Spring of 2012 so EFEA members can have a copy prior to the next EIP.

As you know this eidtion will be on the subject of competencies and several of you have volunteered to send papres on this subject from your association.   It seems we will be able to offer some paper copies of our journal and these will be produced in The Republic of Ireland. No other EFEA assocoiation has been able to confirm they can manage the printing of the EFEA journal. John will supervise the printing of the journal.   As you know we plan to produce an E-version of our journal and this will be sent to all members who contribute to the funding of the journal [these details need to be formally agreed [or not] at the next SC].

Pedro Navareno thinks we may be able to have a method of making our journal widely available to memebrs and non members who wish to purchase the journal on line rather than conrtibute through membership but again this is new to EFEA so we must move carefully.   It is the intention of the journal that we will register as an official journal [ISBN] and be submitted as a papre copy to key libraries and institutions but we also hope the journal will eventually become self funding. If we are very well planned the journal may even earn money for EFEA.   As you know John Heywood and I lead this project and serve as series editors but we will always work within EFEA SC regulations. EFEA SC is the owner of the journal and all funds go to EFEA, all regulations are set by EFEA EC and carried out by the EFEA EC who will oversee the journal editorial board to ensure EFEA SC policy is carried out for EFEA. John and I will need some freedom to act and make decisions but this must always be within the policy of the EFEA SC. It may be the case that I will continue this work as a member of the next EC but clearly this is at the will of the SC who we hope will ratify the suggesstions of the next President, Zita.  

Friends, soon John and I will draw you into the work of being a referee for the content of the journal. In this you act as an informed ‘peer’ and you will comment on the content of the paper we send you. You will need to check the content is accurate and the content is suitable for our journal and our readers. In the future some of you may be asked to produce a copy in French and in this John and I will need a great deal of support. We will also ask you, in the future, to edit an edition for the editorial board and in this you will suggest the theme and gahter all the papers and you will ensure they are peer reviewed/refereed.   These are new and exciting times in EFEA, Juhn and I thank you for your support so far and we thank you in advance for the work you  will do for the journal and for EFEA.    

Kindest regards    


Please do pass the email and the enclosed documents to any of your colleagues who may be interested. 

IRIS publication details

EFEA jour format

Categorías: Noticias